Central Lab

Mission of the company

It is extremely important for us to provide good professional practice, maintain a high level of quality of work and services as well as ensure the credibility, usability and reliability of our research results. We constantly conduct activities aimed at improving the organization of work and raising the technical competence of the laboratory personnel. Thanks to the use of the most modern measuring and research equipment, we can do our work accurately and at the highest level. We guarantee the protection of confidential information of our Customers thanks to which we enjoy a continuous increase of trust and satisfaction from the level and scope of services we provide. From the outset, we have put a special emphasis on building and maintaining the position of a reliable, professional and customer-friendly laboratory.

There are three closely cooperating departments in the structure of CRH Lab: Chemistry Laboratory, Mineralogical Laboratory, Physics Laboratory

Chemistry Laboratory

• Determination of carbon and sulphur content,
• Determination of cement and clinker chemical composition by inductively coupled plasma optic emission spectrometry (ICP-OES),
• Determination of the calorific value of coal and alternative fuels,
• Determination of cement and clinker heavy metals by inductively coupled plasma optic emission spectrometry (ICP-OES),
• Determination of mercury content,
• Determination of chloride and fluorine ions.

Mineralogical Laboratory

• Phase composition: alit, belite, ferite, alumina ortho, cubic, lime, portlandite, periclase, quartz, arcanite; X-ray diffraction method,
• Clinker phase composition; Optical microscopy method.

Physics Laboratory

• Cement and ash density,
• Determination of grinding degree,
• Standard cement consistency method, initial and final setting time, volume stability test,
• Determination of strength of mortars and concretes,
• Air content in a fresh concrete mix,
• Density of fresh concrete mix,
• Consistency of a concrete mix.

Contact CRH Lab


CRH Lab Sp. z o. o.
ul. ks. I. Skorupki 5
00-546 Warszawa

NIP 522-30-48-176
Regon 363220200


District Court for the capital city of Warsaw,
12th Commercial Division
KRS (NCR) No.: 0000589949
Share capital: PLN 702,400.00


CRH Lab Sp. z o.o.
Karsy 77
27-530 Ożarów


tel. +48 15 838 5083
mob. +48 507 303 106