Health & Safety
The well-being and safety of our employees, contractors and guests staying at all plants of CRH companies in Poland is our main priority. We believe that it is our culture of safety that makes us unique. We do our best to provide a healthy and ergonomic workplace, but most importantly an accident-free work environment.
Our preventive actions resulted in significant reduction in accidents over the last several years. The year 2017 was full of successes in many areas for the CRH companies in Poland. Still, the most important for us is the fact that it was the first accident-free year since 1995, when CRH started its operations in Poland. All our employees and contractors came back safely to their families and homes. We are strongly committed to full elimination of the risk of an accident. We are continuously aiming at our common goal – “Zero fatalities and serious accidents”.
Our priority is to engage all employees and contractors in compliance with requirements relating to health and safety and CRH standards. What is particularly important to us is giving a good example through visible leadership from the top and co-responsibility for one’s own safety and the safety of other people.
We never stop at targeting our goals, therefore we are fully committed to the following issues:
• caring for safety of all the people staying at our plants,
• full compliance with all applicable legal regulations and CRH standards;
• engagement in a continuous improvement in the Health and Safety area, through implementation of Best Practices and participation in CRH Safety Campaigns;
• sharing knowledge and experience, as well as constant improvement of employees’ competences;
• creating work culture based on open and honest communication and motivating people to work safely.
The implementation of these fundamental rules of safe work is mandatory and embedded in the daily activities of the CRH Group. Our vision is to be a leading company in the world of building materials, at the same time providing both, the highest quality of materials and services, and safe work environment.
Safety Policy
Maintaining safety at all places has been deep-rooted in CRH culture. Our approach to Health and Safety Management starts with a well-conceived policy. In March 2018 the new Safety Policy for CRH companies in Poland was announced and it puts emphasis on the principle of co-responsibility for safety of all the people staying at the plants.

16 Life Saving Rules
Including Minimum Mandatory Framework
We are convinced that our activity can be led in a safe way, protecting life and health, due to full implementation and rigorous compliance with the requirements of the 16 Life Saving Rules. This document was designed to give clear and specific requirements which will allow us to focused on most critical risk areas in ours operations. These rules are mandatory and must be fully implemented in all CRH companies. The 16 Life Saving Rules document is meticulously updated each year, and all new requirements are thoroughly communicated to all CRH companies. The implementation of the 16 Life Saving Rules is supported by program of independent 16 Life Saving Rule audits, Senior Management safety workshops, monthly Safety Alerts, annual Safety Campaigns and Best Practice Examples.
We encourage you to familiarize with the CRH publication, 2020 edition